• 14 июля 2017, пятница
  • Тула, д. Ясная Поляна, 142а, Дом культуры "Ясная Поляна"

Open panel discussion"Fidelity: On the Relationship Between Fiction and Autobiography"

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2763 дня назад
14 июля 2017 c 17:30 до 19:00
д. Ясная Поляна, 142а, Дом культуры "Ясная Поляна"

Within the frames of the seminar "British Literature Today", organized by British Council Russia in cooperation with Yasnaya Polyana, an open discussion "Fidelity: On the Relationship Between Fiction and Autobiography" will take place at Yasnaya Polyana Community Center. The discussion is moderated by Linor Goralik.

Linor Goralik is a poet, prose writer, essayist and translator. She has written about 20 books of poems and prose works including Speaks (2004), In Short (2008), Pull the Hook Hard, Petrusha
(2007), The Folklore of the Sector M1 Inhabitants (2011), “So, It Was a Horn” (2015) and a number of children’s books. She translated Etgar Keret’s short novels and Vytautas Plyura’s poems (with
Stanislav Lvovsky). In 2014 Goralik became editorial director of Booknik, an Internet publication in Russian on Jewish literature and culture. She also teaches the theory of costume in Russian State University for the Humanities and the Higher School of Economics.
The following britich authors  will take part in the discussion:
Monica Ali — an award-winning, bestselling writer whose novels include Brick Lane, In the Kitchen and
Untold Story. She was chosen as one of Granta’s 2003 Best of Young British Novelists.
Graeme Macrae Burnet – the winner of the award «Scottish Book Trust», author of the novels «Disappearance of Adèle Bedeau»  and «His Bloody Project» which was shortlisted for the 2016 Man Booker Prize  and will be released in russian in autumn 2017.

Gwendoline Riley – the author of five novels, her latest novel First Love (2017) was shortlisted for the Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction.

Bee Rowlatt – a writer, journalist, TV host, author of the book «In Search of Mary», inspired
by the life and works of  the XVIII century feminist and  philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft.
Rupert Thomson – the author of ten critically-acclaimed novels, including The Insult, which was shortlisted for the Guardian Fiction Prize and chosen by David Bowie as one of his 100 Must-Read Books of All Time,
Death of a Murderer, which was shortlisted for the Costa Prize. His memoir This Party’s Got to Stop, which won the Writers’ Guild Non-Fiction Book of the Year.

The discussion will be held in English without translation.


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